Sample of Student Page (For the teacher to introduce new sites for the students)


This is the another site for you to have a discussion with your friends or ask questions to your teacher. Not only sticking your words but also you can tag video or pictures you like;)

Front page

Go to the website: 

Then click create the board from your right blue box.

Design your background, title, and topic display picture and title. 

Choose your background style

Create your title and subtitle

Post your idea

Tom and Jenny


Do you like movie? We love watching TV and going to the cinema;) By the way, now we can create our own animation! Yes, we can do by ourselves and it's very easy!

Follow us,

Enter this link:

First page

Choose the background
Then you will asked to choose the background and the sky. There are various scenes and theme i.e. snow, room, mountain, etc.

Choose the story plot, two characters talking

Click next, to choose the characters and the story plot which you can design whether is in dialogue or monologue.

Later, you can write the scripts for your story, and choose the music for the background. And yes, it's complete!


Write the dialogue
Send to your email or to your friend
Finally, review and publish your story!

Let's try out;)

Tom and Jenny
Webquest is the great site for you as a student to research, read, and perform the task by yourself. If you are the one who doesn't like the teacher to wandering around, focusing on what you are doing or talking too much in front of the class. Then, you need to get yourself familiarized to Webquest!

First, go to this link: Then, sign up for member and enjoy tasks which are provided for you!

Webquest front page
The guided steps
For example, this task: The Stolen Laptop! this task aims at your role play with your peers. It's about theft caught where you need to make a trial in a court to have a right judgement (since the principle has screened for the defendant at school.)

After you finish introduction, then you are advised to read 'task', to know what do you need to do in order to achieve the final goal. There are steps to follow which are easy and clear. However, it is demanding to work in group and have some depth discussion. Otherwise, your group will not be able to success.

Process and questions

Not only group work, but also individual research is required. So, after you have group discussion, then you need to work on individual research to stipulate your role. It is important to know that you are not asked to find resources by yourself. There are a number of websites provided for you to look up and all answers are there! Don't panic! Also, during all process, teachers could be your facilitators. You should ask them any inquiries;)

The Judge role

The final step: the Trial

Finally, you should check the last page which tell you about the evaluation so you will not miss the points. There are some criteria to be understood so if you are not clear at any topic, please ask your teacher!
Evaluation page

Lastly, if you want to create your Webquest, you have an ability to do so! Go on each template and follow the instruction, search for some resources and set up the evaluation. I would love to see your lovely Webquest, too!

However, the trial version will not last for long time, you have to buy the copyright if you want to access in a period of time.

Anyway, make a start and see how you like it;)

Enjoy as always!



This month is the month of love....:) Yes, I'm thinking about Valentine's day! It's coming!!!

Do you have any plan or any idea for that day? What do you want to give to your beloved people as a gift?

If you have no idea, don't worry. I have a list of gift presentation for you!

Are you ready for the new review of a good presentation site? It is awesome and easy to create! You have nothing to prepare, just a bit of your idea! Like I have tons of idea to give for Jenny...(that's why today I'm here alone, I want to surprise her!)

Follow me!

This site name where it contains a lot of pictures from flickr (the largest site of copyright picture collections!). So you can use all pictures legally.

Search engine for the photos

Right, let's begin,

First and foremost, you will see the tag at your left hand side. insert your photo tag. And you don't need to key the user, if you don't know. Then 'GO!'.

Then, I put key the word 'valentine', and the pictures which are related to this category is shown. See? it's a lot!

Picture result

Now, it's time to have fun, when you can choose your favourite picture, drag it down to the frame, and add the bubble to explain your idea. Definitely, you don't need to write a paragraph but only a key word or phrase! (if you write too long, people will not be able to see your pic!)

The picture that I chose

Add bubble on your picture by drag it up and adjust it at any position you like.

If you want to add your frame, just click at the '+' sign. It will automatically add for you. And at the same time, if you want to delete a frame, click 'delete' (a little written text) at the bottom right corner of the frame.

Add your frame

The word is wrong but it doesn't show you the red line
However, there is a thing you need to bear in mind, this site doesn't provide you a spelling check program which means you have to be careful, just in case you don't want to publish a wrong presentation.

After you finish your process, you can publish it or share to your friend via Facebook, Blogger, and other social network sites.
Create your name and the title

Click publish to take it to Bubblr archive

Yes, when everything is done, it will show you the complete presentation. If you don't like it, or want to edit, it is easy peasy to do so. Just clicking 'recycling' you can redo things again.

The options which you can choose after finishing and saving your work

Well, this is the example of my valentine presentation. Please go and check it out!

A part of valentine presentation by me;)

Last but not least, I hope you will have a good experience of presentation more or less. See, it is not difficult at all! You have a good pictures, nice words to put on, then you go! The greatest presentation for your classmates!

Enjoy and keep doing a good presentation!


p.s. don't tell Jenny what did I say about the surprise;)

Tom and Jenny

You can see that words are in different sizes,
the bigger, the more frequent used.
So in this blog, 'presentation' is
used frequently following by English!
And hey, do you see our names, Tom and Jenny?

Wordle Wordle in a little!

Hello! Tom and Jenny again:) We surely have an exciting and colourful recommended site to you as always! Let's check it out!

This site let you create the a stylish word cloud. OK, what is word cloud, see the sample;
This is the example of word cloud. The words were taken from this blog (the whole things which written here!)

What's this for? Well, there is a fun activity for you to play with your friends for example, you can copy the lyrics of a song and then paste it;

by clicking on 'create' button, and paste your lyrics down! Let's guess what's this song?

To make your friends' puzzle, you can delete the biggest word out, or any obvious words you like, it will be more challenging! So do you know this song? ...we won't tell you...;)

sometimes, you can paste your writing paper and see what words do you usually use and which word you used less. It's interesting, isn't it?

Or you can create your own word list! Easy peasy way to do is type all the vocabulary you know and it will be come a colorful vocab list and very stylish!

Yes, more or less about the wordy, have a try!!!

Tom and Jenny
Tom and Jenny
Hello! meet Tom and Jenny again!

Today, we've got you to sing a song together! Do you like singing? Yes, we like singing!

However, it will not challenging, if you can see all the lyrics, don't you? So today, we have a singing competition for you to try out! Follow us ;)

This website is where you can search for your favorite song.

Front page

After you get the page, you can search for the song you like at the search engine on the top. If you have no idea of what you want, just check the new entries!

You can choose language you want to practice and level of difficulty.

After you choose the song, you also can choose your levels: beginner, intermediate, or expert. And now, you are ready to play!

The numbers of circles are the alphabet counts
 As you can see that there are some blanks for you to fill in. If you don't fill the word in, the song will not continue playing. But you can skip the unknown word by clicking on Tab.

And if you are tired (which I don't think you will give up easily!), you can stop by clicking on the 'withdraw' button at the right down the screen.

Click 'help' to see the explanation.

Just in case, you forget how to play, please click 'help' button.

We hope that this website will be useful for you not only for vocabulary practicing but also for your listening. However, the limitation is that you might not find your truly favorite song or you might stop playing in the middle! Hey! don't give up easily! You have a dictionary and it is no time limit. Try best!

And let's have singing contest in the classroom ;)

Enjoy the music!!!

Hello! from Tom and Jenny again;)

Tom and Jenny

Today, we've got a new website for learning vocabulary for you. This website is

This site allows you to choose the vocabulary field that you want to learn. First, choose your mother language. But we recommend you to choose English-English to fully practice your English! It is very easy, don't be afraid of English!

Next, suppose that we want to learn vegetable vocabulary, then click on vegetable. The next page will be shown;

The audio will pronounce the words when you place on the picture. Therefore, you can listen and see the spelling at the same time.

Finish the word study, then you can test yourself by selecting the quiz types at the left corner;

You can either choose the options or the difficulty.

To foster your learning, you can either practice by yourself at home. Choose the interesting category and might jot down the words you like. It's easy!

For learning in classroom, teacher may let you pair with your friends and have a vocabulary competition! You may required to remember the words in a very short time and write down on the paper as much as you can (without the computer screen!).

However, according to the sensitive audio player, you might find it is too quick pronouncing words. Therefore, you need to be slow to place the arrow down on the picture.

Overall, it is a good site to build up vocabulary with the correct pronunciation ;)

Go and have fun!

See you!

Learning chocolate is a website where you can learn set of vocabulary in a time.

It's not difficult and very colourful! Follow us, we will teach you how to use it ;)

First, you need to enter the name of the website as mentioned above.

Then, choose the vocabulary category as you like;) For example, I like 'Amusement Park' I double click on it.

This is the 'Amusement Park' page which you can see all these beautiful pictures and words!!! Easy! and if you don't know how to read it, just click on the volume icon besides the word;) Then you'll get it right away!

If you want to challenge yourself, you need to choose the exercise on the top of the picture frame;

Then, enjoy the exercise!!!! as you wish;) you can test either your listening or memory.

Remember, 'practice makes perfect' ;)

Keep update with us for the next fun stuff. We've got a lot!

Tom and Jenny

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